LoveVi Only
Love Yourself First & Everything else will follow
Who We Are
Establishing, Raising, Nurturing Future Mentors, Community Leaders, and Community Advocates amongst our youths within the DMV
The LoveVi organization was created to provide advocacy, youth development training and services for the disadvantaged youth
population such as low-income, and or homeless population, at risk youth, first generation college students, returning
adolescents, and youth with learning disabilities in ward 8. The organization was established in April of 2020 by Victoria Akinseye.
Our Approach
We Facilitate Safe Learning Spaces
The goal is to create a space for discussion forums that provide opportunities for older youth to express their thoughts freely in a safe environment. Promote and teach practical life skills such as money management, sexual health, and conflict resolution that our
youth may face in the real world. As well as, offering additional community services and enrichment opportunities, such as cleaning the community, field trips, theaters, sporting events that will allow youth between ages 12-21 to broaden their horizons and enjoy their adolescence years.
— Our Mission
Transforming our youth one day at a time through teaching, mentoring, and love.
— Our Vision
To be able to prepare the youth in succeeding in school and real-life situations,through mentoring programs with trusted adults
in their lives who can act as a positive influence and provide emotional support and guidance.